Recommended Links

Interesting Sites

Orthodox Talks – 83 lectures by Priestmonk Kosmas.

Christian Orthodox Parishes in America

A basic beginning Prayer Rule, or this one – Introductory Prayer Rules I recommend. Consult with a spiritual father once possible.


Miles Mathis – Solutions to issues in physics and mathematics, critical of errant mainstream theories.


DigDeeper (Tor) – Technology topics, but also very good analysis of things like Wikipedia and the coronavirus hoax, even commentary on schooling.

Spyware Watchdog – Very good and simple site classifying and comparing software with respect to user privacy. – Software that sucks less. Read their philosophy: See also their recommended software:

Heaven Tree Webring – A webring of personal sites of some young Christian men, some of whom I’ve met.

Resources – Search only non-modern sites.

Textkit – Material for learning and studying the Latin and Greek languages and classics.

Library Genesis – Most books available for download. (Link frequently changes and may be dead, but other mirrors will be findable by search.)

Sci-Hub – Remove the paywalls on academic articles. (Link frequently changes and may be dead, but other mirrors will be findable by search.)

Individual Pages

Comparison: Francis of Assisi and St. Seraphim of Sarov – On the crucial spiritual difference between true Orthodox Christian saints and their post-schism Roman analogs.

Orthodox Survival Course – Fr. Seraphim Rose’s lecture series on an Orthodox history of the modern world. PDF and audio available.