My Personal Library

This is a list of the books in my personal library. If you have any questions or want me to review any of them, contact me.

This page is part for the public interest, but I also use it to organized and sort my books in my physical library. They are sorted by the Library of Congress Classification. Without a sorting mechanism, finding a book becomes somewhat difficult.

A-BD: General Works, Philosophy, Logic, Speculative Philosophy


BF-BL: Psychology, Aesthetics, Ethics, General Religion, Mythology, Rationalism

BM-BX: Specific Religions and Theology


C: Auxiliary Sciences of History

D: World History


E-F: History of the Americas


G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation

H: Social Sciences


J-K: Political Science and Law


L-N: Education, Music, Fine Arts

P: Philology, Linguistics


PA: Greek and Latin language and Literature


PC: Romance Languages


PD-PG: Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

PJ-PL: Oriental, Indo-Iranian, East-Asian and Oceanian Languages


PN: General Literature

PQ: Romance Literature


PR: English Literature

PS: American Literature


PT-PZ: Other Literature


Q: General Science


QA: Mathematics

QB-QR: Other Sciences

R: Medicine

S-T: Agriculture and Technology


U: Military Science

Z: Bibliography, Library Science, General Information Resources

Books as of yet unsorted

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