My Personal Library

This is a list of the books in my personal library. If you have any questions or want me to review any of them, email me (

I haven't read every book here, nor do I own all the books I've read or like. I also don't necessarily like all the books I own.

Check out my podcast, Not Related! for some book reviews and other things. Books I've talked about in one way or another in the podcast will have a link to that episode.

🆕 Books

Note that now I am reprinting out-of-print works at You can buy any of these books yourself if you'd like. (Most of them are pretty exclusive in that I'm the only one reprinting them.)

(These are at the top since I don't know if anyone has given them Library of Congress numbers, and I suppose as an ad.)

A-BD: General Works, Philosophy, Logic, Speculative Philosophy

BF-BL: Psychology, Aesthetics, Ethics, General Religion, Mythology, Rationalism

BM-BX: Specific Religions and Theology

C: Auxiliary Sciences of History

D: World History

E-F: History of the Americas

G: Geography, Anthropology, Recreation

H: Social Sciences

J-K: Political Science and Law

L-N: Education, Music, Fine Arts

P: Philology, Linguistics

PA: Greek and Latin language and Literature

PC: Romance Languages

PD-PG: Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

PJ-PL: Oriental, Indo-Iranian, East-Asian and Oceanian Languages

PN: General Literature

PQ: Romance Literature

PR: English Literature

PS: American Literature

PQ-PZ: Other Literature

QA: General Science

QA: Mathematics

QB-QR: Other Sciences

R: Medicine

S-T: Agriculture and Technology

Military Science

Books as of yet unsorted

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